Suggestions on sharing large data over internet


Nov 29, 2014
I know this has probably been asked a million times but I'm in a little bit of a weird situation.

I run a small business and I need to share large video files with an editor we're on-boarding. Currently, since I work from home, I archive video on my TrueNAS. I'm in the local network and use NFS or SMB, as required to accomplish what I need. Due to time constraints I've been unable to do some editing on this video for advertising purposes so, I'm turning to an external editor. This will be a freelance position, so we don't own this person's hardware (computer).

So I need a reliable and relatively easy way to allow this person to access just a single share of our video archives (not all my other data but I can figure that part out). As I said these are large files.... think 6 hours of video footage in a single file.

Something easy is a must as we're not too sure how tech savy these people will be and it may not be the same person initially every time, until we find that one editor that we might stick with.

I've considered NextCloud/Owncloud and I just don't see it as the right solution for what we're doing. We wouldn't use any of the other features and it's quite heavy in my experience. I've run it before and found it just wasn't practical for our use case and I don't think it'd be practical now either.

I do currently run wireguard for my own VPN usage but I think that configuration might be a pain if we were changing editors regularly, plus I'm not really in a position to be able to open that up to everyone as it dumps into my own vlan currently (giving me access to everything.... not an ideal security measure but I'm not ready to give that to anyone yet)

Finally, I've considered and it's front running, Syncthing. I currently use Syncthing for a lot as it is, so it seemed pretty logical.
The only real problem with Syncthing is if I share the share, it's going to send them everything, which is a large bit of data, containing multiple video sets. There really isn't a way for them to see a library and pull down only what they need, so quite a bit of wasted data transfer. Ideally, SFTP would work, but configuration would be a pain on client side as we don't own the freelancer's computer.

I'm curious if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions that I may have missed? In an ideal world, I would open up the video archive dataset for them to access and they can pull just the source video they need and have a separate directory to drop any resulting work they do. Syncthing kind of takes that away in this case.


Jul 12, 2022
Point is, if you don't know what file your editor needs you can't compart it.
VPN and ACL look the easiest/best solution to me. You also have SSH too but it's more complex.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
It sounds like you've got a lot of thinking to do before you even look at products to service your need.

How do you see the workflow going? Just edit as you do and the client somehow gets a window (using some app/service) straight to that content?

Will there be more than one client? How would you separate the work and avoid cross-client visibility of the files? (do you need to do that?... I suppose yes).

What kind of workflow would you use to "complete" work and make it available for clients?

Are you intending to use a reverse proxy or other service to front-end and secure the work?

Anyway... I'll leave that to you to work out.

Something like Aurora-Files might be enough.

If it isn't, you'll need to think about something more akin to nextcloud (it's not really heavy and can be set up in half an hour with the guide from danb35)

Maybe resilio would be closer (although not completely free) than syncthing to meeting your needs.


Nov 29, 2014
To clarify, this is not for client delivery, so no need to separate. This is for a freelance that I am hiring to take on some tasks. So I just need a way for them to be able to view files that are available, download what they need, then do their work and upload. No need to separate different clients.

Sorry if that wasn't very clear.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
I would point back at nextcloud and resilio in that case.