Struggling with adding mount point / media folders / detecting files in Plex on FreeNAS-11.2-U6

Sep 26, 2019
Hi guys,

I have been researching this issue all over the web.
I just can't seem to get my Plex to find the media in the folders I have mounted.

I use plex-plexpass 11.2-RELEASE-p14 (version says N/A) for FreeNAS-11.2-U6. I have tried the "non-plexpass" version as well, and it didn't make a difference.

I have created a user (Petter) and that user has got access to all pools, from "Hovedvolum" down to the folder named "Filmer". See the screenshot named "Storage pool.png". The root user also has access to most of the pools,

I have tried to add both "/media/Filmer" and simply "/media/" in the Plex web GUI. As you can see from "Folder greyed out.PNG" the "Filmer" folder is not available for selection through the GUI. When I added the folder manually (by simply typing "/media/Filmer/", I was able to add it, but Plex still didn't localize any files. I have tried to add the video file without the containing folder, much to the same result.

I am running out of ideas, and have run through post after post on this forum, and videos on YouTube.
I followed instructions on how to create users and add permissions via this video:
I then followed instructions on how to add Plex and install it, from this video:

I have also followed the instructioins in this video:

I encountered the same issues, regardless.

I hope some of the good folks on this forum can help me, as I am almost about to give up on this project.
Any and all help would be appreciated. I can add more screenshots and details on request.

Best regards, Petter, Norway


  • The movie is showing in the jail structure.PNG
    The movie is showing in the jail structure.PNG
    776.3 KB · Views: 664
  • Mount points plexpass.PNG
    Mount points plexpass.PNG
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  • File in folder.PNG
    File in folder.PNG
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  • Folder greyed out.PNG
    Folder greyed out.PNG
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  • Storage pool.PNG
    Storage pool.PNG
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  • jails for plex.PNG
    jails for plex.PNG
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Oct 12, 2019
I'm having the same issues and have followed almost the exact same steps as you. The only topic I haven't tried yet that I saw mentioned was instead of using a dedicated dataset for the Plex media, some people report success by simply moving their content directly to a sub-directory under the plex jail folder. To me, this is basically bypassing the mount point setup in the jail and from what i can tell there must be a bug in the way the mount points are created. I am not a Linux guy so I don't completely follow how people are modifying permissions using chmod but it appears there is a way to force some permissions change using it. At this point I think I am frustrated enough to just give up for a couple days and try again another time.


May 5, 2018
i too am having this problem. seems like i some how got the problem solved by doing all the steps and making folders users and permissions before i installed the plex server. to my surprise i was able to mount the drive and have it show up in the folder. i then also got acess on my windows folder to start uploading files to check it it worked. i cant remember what totoruial i was using but it said to stop and start my plexmedia server. so no i can not get plex to start back up for some reason. so now im thinking that none of it even worked and it was a glitch of some kind bc im unable to connect when typing the ip or manually when i manually start it in the shell it says permission denied.

im on my last straw with freenas and its janky permissions and loosing jails for reasons unknowen to me.