Plugins don't start after rebooting the system

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Sep 17, 2016
Hi guys, i'm new here and new to Freenas.

I'm writing after reading all the blog posts and stuff about the issue that I am experiencing and that is driving me crazy, but still I can't manage to fix it...

Here's the story:

I followed this guide to setup my FreeNas with Couchpotato, Transmission, Sickrage and Plex.

Everything went almost fine apart from the fact that when I uploaded a torrent on Transmission, the plugin gave me this error: "ERROR - Permission denied". So I went to the Jails dataset and set the permissions to "nobody" and "nogroup" and ticked all the checkbox of "Read, Write, Execute". After that, Transmission worked fine...till I rebooted the system.

After that, I went to the plugin dashboard to check if they were running, but their service status was "off", and it was impossible to set it to "on".
In fact, I tried several times, and every time I perform a clean installation and reboot, the system gives me the same issue.
Also, Transmission and Plex plugins are not even showed on the sidebar under the "Plugin" section and their icons are missing in the dashboard.
From the stuff I've read online, it seems It seems that I have a problem with permissions...

You can find attached the print screen with the error, please tell me if you need some more elements to understand what's going on, such as error logs, etc. (would be appreciated if you could also guide me explaining HOW getting the info you need from Freenas, since I am very new to the system)

Thank you!


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Not strong, but bad
Sep 12, 2014
Don't muck with Jail dataset permissions. You should have attached storage with proper permissions for saving your data outside your jail.


Sep 17, 2016
Hi Jailer! Thank you for your reply

In fact it seems that everything is due to the fact that I change the permissions to the "jails" dataset.
After I perform the installation of the plugins, I am not able to start transmission without receiving this error: "ERROR - Permission denied".
Setting the permissions to "nobody" and "nogroup" and ticking all the checkbox of "Read, Write, Execute" makes Transmission work, but if I understand well, it also messes up the jails.

I tried following this guide in order to try making data accessible to my plugin's jail...but I could not make it, clearly for my inexperience (keep receiving the message "ERROR - Permission denied")

I think that the whole point would be to correctly set the permissions for Transmission. Can anyone help me getting this right?

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
what folder do you need transmission yo write to in the jail?
run 'ls -l /path/to/folder' and post the output here
choose what solution you want to use from the thread, and we can help


Sep 17, 2016
Hi Joshua, thanks for your reply
Transmission should write in "media/download" in the Transmission jail.
Right now I don't have access to the server, I will try as soon as I can and post the result


Sep 17, 2016
Hey guys,
I think I made it...I could manage to give transmission the right accesses by following "Solution 2" of this guide
Now Transmission works fine even after rebooting! Tomorrow I will try to install all the other plugins..we'll see how it goes :)


Not strong, but bad
Sep 12, 2014
Well that makes sense seeing as how nuked permissions is what caused it. :)

Glad you got it going.


Sep 17, 2016
Hey Guys,

Transmission now downloads and sees the torrents that I save in the watch folder perfectly, but I still have an issue:
I can't monitor transmission from devices connected via Wi-Fi (iPad, Android phone)
Here's what I did to give Transmission the access to the folders:
  1. I Created a "Media" dataset with all the folders that I need for Transmission, Plex, Couchpotato and Sickbeard (e.g. Downloads, Torrents, Movies, ...)
  2. I Created a "Transmission" USER and GRUP, with UID=921, and gave privilege to write and read to the user
  3. I Created a "Media" USER and GROUP, with UID=816
  4. I Associated the "Transmission" USER to the "Media" GROUP
  5. I Set the permission to the "Media" dataset, setting as USER and GROUP "Media" and set the permission recoursively (the one containing all the folders)
  6. I Set the Transmission configuration like explained in Supa's guide
  7. I Went to the Transmission Jail and wrote the lines below, as explained in solution 3 of this guide
    • pw groupadd -n media -g 821
    • pw groupmod media -m transmission
What am I missing?

The funny thing is that when I nuked the Jails, giving access to "nobody" and "nogroup" both to the Jails folders and to the "Media" folders, I could monitor the download with my mobile device (till I had to reboot, of course).

It seems that every time I manage to solve an issue, other issues jumps out :)

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
Hey Guys,

Transmission now downloads and sees the torrents that I save in the watch folder perfectly, but I still have an issue:
I can't monitor transmission from devices connected via Wi-Fi (iPad, Android phone)
Here's what I did to give Transmission the access to the folders:
  1. I Created a "Media" dataset with all the folders that I need for Transmission, Plex, Couchpotato and Sickbeard (e.g. Downloads, Torrents, Movies, ...)
  2. I Created a "Transmission" USER and GRUP, with UID=921, and gave privilege to write and read to the user
  3. I Created a "Media" USER and GROUP, with UID=816
  4. I Associated the "Transmission" USER to the "Media" GROUP
  5. I Set the permission to the "Media" dataset, setting as USER and GROUP "Media" and set the permission recoursively (the one containing all the folders)
  6. I Set the Transmission configuration like explained in Supa's guide
  7. I Went to the Transmission Jail and wrote the lines below, as explained in solution 3 of this guide
    • pw groupadd -n media -g 821
    • pw groupmod media -m transmission
What am I missing?

The funny thing is that when I nuked the Jails, giving access to "nobody" and "nogroup" both to the Jails folders and to the "Media" folders, I could monitor the download with my mobile device (till I had to reboot, of course).

It seems that every time I manage to solve an issue, other issues jumps out :)
I'm no sure what you mean by monitor transmission. Do you mean you can't access the transmission web-interface? or you can't use an application on that uses transmission's remote-interface?


Sep 17, 2016
I cannot access neither the transmission web interface nor the remote-interface on devices that have wi-fi access to my network (e.g. iPad, android smartphone).
I have access to Transmission's web interface and remote-interface if I use my desktop computer, which is connected with a cable to my router.

The strange thing is that I have no problems at all to access Couchpotato and Plex web interfaces from my mobile devices...this problem only affects Transmission plugin

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
I'm not sure what would cause that, maybe you set the allowed IPs variable for transmission (see the FreeNAS WebUI > Plugins (left panel) > Transmission). Or maybe you don't have networking set up properly for freenas/jails/your wireless section of your LAN.

Can you ping the transmission jail IP from your wireless devices? Can you ping your wireless devices from your transmission jail?

Regardless, this sounds like a networking/firewall issue, and not an issue with the plugin.


Sep 17, 2016
I'm not sure what would cause that, maybe you set the allowed IPs variable for transmission (see the FreeNAS WebUI > Plugins (left panel) > Transmission). Or maybe you don't have networking set up properly for freenas/jails/your wireless section of your LAN.

  1. I have not set the allowed IPs for transmission, I configured Transmission as advised in Supa's guide
  2. What does it mean that I don't have networking set up properly for freenas/jails/my wireless section of your LAN?
Can you ping the transmission jail IP from your wireless devices? Can you ping your wireless devices from your transmission jail?

I tried to ping the iPad IP ( from the Jail and the Jail IP ( from the iPad, everything looks fine to me (see the screenshots attached)

I don't know if the issue comes from the router configuration, because I can access Couchpotato and Plex without problems from my iPad and Smartphone. That seems a little strande to me...
I was thinking that it could be - againg - a problem related to accesses, so I was considering to assign the Transmission USER to "Media" (same as Plex and Couchpotato), using solution 2 of your guide. Do you think is it worth trying?

Thanks again for your help


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Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
  1. I have not set the allowed IPs for transmission, I configured Transmission as advised in Supa's guide
  2. What does it mean that I don't have networking set up properly for freenas/jails/my wireless section of your LAN?

I tried to ping the iPad IP ( from the Jail and the Jail IP ( from the iPad, everything looks fine to me (see the screenshots attached)

I don't know if the issue comes from the router configuration, because I can access Couchpotato and Plex without problems from my iPad and Smartphone. That seems a little strande to me...
I was thinking that it could be - againg - a problem related to accesses, so I was considering to assign the Transmission USER to "Media" (same as Plex and Couchpotato), using solution 2 of your guide. Do you think is it worth trying?

Thanks again for your help
Not configured properly could mean lots of stuff. Like in my network I have multiple VLANs and only certain ports can be accessed from one VLAN to another. Or it could be the IPs aren't routable.

That ping from the jail does NOT look fine. Your jail cannot route to your IPad's IP. I suggest you try disabling VIMAGE and assign a network interface for the transmission_1 jail, then restart that jail.

It is not a permission issue, changing users should not help.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
I don't have access to the server right now, I will in a few there a procedure or a guide that I can follow for disabling VIMAGE and assign a network interface for the transmission_1 jail?
I'm not sure. its like 5 mouse clicks if you knew what to do.
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