[How-To] Transmission & FreeNAS Shared Mount Points

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Mar 17, 2013
I wrote up a quick document on the steps I took to configure my transmission jail and freenas.

This is how i did it, and may alleviate some other peoples troubles..

  • Users and Groups Required for Transmission Jail to use the zfs shared mounts
  • How to configure Transmission to put ALL of the torrent data on those shared mounts (including the resume and torrent folders)
  • How to structure the zfs mount points so you can restrict things down properly and prevent incomplete torrents from showing up in other plugins (like couchpotato or minidlna)

It is a high level overview of what I did with screenshots. It lists a few shell commands but people should be familiar with a linux shell as i don't outline all the commands step by step.

I wrote it after I did the configuration so some steps may or may not be right, if you spot anything wrong let me know so i can update it!


  • Transmission & FreeNAS 9.1.1.pdf
    440.4 KB · Views: 4,945


Nov 16, 2013
I wrote up a quick document on the steps I took to configure my transmission jail and freenas.

This is how i did it, and may alleviate some other peoples troubles..

  • Users and Groups Required for Transmission Jail to use the zfs shared mounts
  • How to configure Transmission to put ALL of the torrent data on those shared mounts (including the resume and torrent folders)
  • How to structure the zfs mount points so you can restrict things down properly and prevent incomplete torrents from showing up in other plugins (like couchpotato or minidlna)
It is a high level overview of what I did with screenshots. It lists a few shell commands but people should be familiar with a linux shell as i don't outline all the commands step by step.

I wrote it after I did the configuration so some steps may or may not be right, if you spot anything wrong let me know so i can update it!
Thanks for taking the time to write this up, helped me tremendously as I am new to this "transmission" and freenas. Everything seems (I am downloading my first torrent) to work fine. However, I took a look into the settings.json file after restarting "transmission" and saw that my changes were overwritten with the original file. So I am not sure if the "incomplete" override you recommended would work.


Jun 22, 2013
Great post, ndboost!

though I have a few issues (which are not directly related to your guide, so I will open a seperate thread for them).
the only related issues is:
  • I've set the Incomplete as you suggested (also in the settings.json) but the directory is always empty, and those downloads appear in the Downloads location even when not completed.
could you please, advise?


May 27, 2011
I tried this out last night on the new 9.3 build and it was perfect. Thanks!!!

Some how, I magically get transmission working with every install, but now I know where everything is going.


Aug 12, 2016
Good news! This guide was the only guide that finally got my watched guide working!

Bad news: If I upload a torrent, or set the default directory to something like /downloads/Ubuntu, nothing goes into that folder. Transmission thinks it's in the right place, but it's not. I was able to get this to work with previous guides... no idea what I'm doing wrong...
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