Fan Scripts for Supermicro Boards Using PID Logic

Fan Scripts for Supermicro Boards Using PID Logic 2020-08-20, previous one was missing a file


Dec 4, 2012
i dont get it at all...

## Your CPU/case fans should probably be connected to the main fan sockets,
## which are in fan zone zero
## Your HD fans should be connected to FANA which is in Zone 1
## You could switch the CPU/HD fans around, as long as you change the zones
## and fan header configurations.
## 0 = FAN1..5
## 1 = FANA..FANC

What are HD fans?
I have CPU and CASE fans. There is only 1 fan - cpu - FANA
all other fans FAN1-5 are in case.

As I can see here, script is not per fan but per zones... ie zone 0 - case fans,
zone1 = FANA = CPU fan.

Is that correct?



Dec 4, 2012
what is the current status regarding that Thread,
so many scripts / 2 y old/ no manual/howto ... was it somehow moved to something more "clear"?

Dec 2, 2015
i dont get it at all...

## Your CPU/case fans should probably be connected to the main fan sockets,
## which are in fan zone zero
## Your HD fans should be connected to FANA which is in Zone 1
## You could switch the CPU/HD fans around, as long as you change the zones
## and fan header configurations.
## 0 = FAN1..5
## 1 = FANA..FANC

What are HD fans?
I have CPU and CASE fans. There is only 1 fan - cpu - FANA
all other fans FAN1-5 are in case.

As I can see here, script is not per fan but per zones... ie zone 0 - case fans,
zone1 = FANA = CPU fan.

Is that correct?

In this context, HD fan would be whichever fans move air that cools the hard drives. The point of the script is to vary fan speeds and eventually see a change in hard drive temperatures. So HD fans are whichever fans would cause hard drive temperatures to eventually change if the fan speed changed.


Jul 18, 2014
I’m running the script and all seems to work however I get an error. Douyou know what it is?

Friday, Nov 18 CPU New_Fan% New_RPM_____________________
ada1 ada2 ada3 ada4 ada5 Tmax Tmean ERRc P D TEMP MODE CPU PER FANA FAN1 FAN2 FAN3 FAN4
23:17:56 ./ line 185: let: Tsum += : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "+= ")
*0 *29 *30 *31 *32 ^32 24.40 -13.10 -52.40 -104.8 15 Full 30 30 800 --- --- 600 600


Nov 23, 2014
Not sure without more information. The header info of the log might be helpful. Logs would be more readable pasted into code tags.

What exactly is ada1? It is showing 0 degrees, and is associated with the error.


Jul 18, 2014
Not sure without more information. The header info of the log might be helpful. Logs would be more readable pasted into code tags.

What exactly is ada1? It is showing 0 degrees, and is associated with the error.
All sorted. For some reason the SSD which was ada1 came up as T-64 not the manufacturers name. I just added it to the exclude list and all is well. Thanks for the help.


Nov 23, 2014
That's great. If you let me know the characters you used to exclude it, I can add them to mine so it's in any future version.


Nov 10, 2022
The script returns syntax errors on Debian!

Hi, I adapted this script for Debian/Ubuntu, the CPU part works fine, but the hard disk part returns syntax errors, even if the hard disk and temperature detection works.

I replaced the "camcontrol" tool by the "inxi" tool which does exactly the same job :
spinpid2.config :


After some research, I found out that someone else also adapted the script on Debian, replacing "camcontrol" with "lsblk" but he gets the same syntax errors on Debian!

Which means, that these errors are not due to my modifications!

The part of the "" code that seems to have problems is this one:


I would very much like the developer of this script or someone to help finish the Debian/Ubuntu port of this script, there is not much left except for the syntax correction on the lines above.

I really hope someone can find a solution to fix this script!


Nov 23, 2014
I can't port it without such an OS. I have no idea how Debian/Ubuntu does things differently.

The error you're getting seems to be with the printf function. It's being used just to round the variables to desired number of decimal places for actual printing in the log. Check the man page on your system for how it works and look for examples of its use in Ubuntu; it might need to be changed slightly.

Otherwise, I would try commenting out lines 214-218 and see what happens. If it works, it will be ugly without formatting. It may then error out on the next error, but at least you've identified the problem and just need to figure out how to round the numbers.

EDIT: after reading a bit, I suggest trying a few changes.
  • The arguments of printf may need to be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The format specification may need to be quoted.
  • The arguments may need to be separated by a comma (',').
So Tmean=$(printf("%0.2f", "$Tmean"))
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2022
I can't port it without such an OS. I have no idea how Debian/Ubuntu does things differently.

The error you're getting seems to be with the printf function. It's being used just to round the variables to desired number of decimal places for actual printing in the log. Check the man page on your system for how it works and look for examples of its use in Ubuntu; it might need to be changed slightly.

Otherwise, I would try commenting out lines 214-218 and see what happens. If it works, it will be ugly without formatting. It may then error out on the next error, but at least you've identified the problem and just need to figure out how to round the numbers.

EDIT: after reading a bit, I suggest trying a few changes.
  • The arguments of printf may need to be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The format specification may need to be quoted.
  • The arguments may need to be separated by a comma (',').
So Tmean=$(printf("%0.2f", "$Tmean"))

Thanks for your answer, I'll try all that!

Are these values (Tmax, Tmean, P, D, ERRc) important for the script to be able to calculate the speed of the fans in relation to the temperature of the hard disks, or do these values only give additional information that does not influence the functioning of the script?


Nov 23, 2014
Tmax has no value except user information.
The rest are needed for script function, but formatting them for printing precision with those lines is not needed except for printing. You can see the formatting is assigned to the same variable names, so things (other than proper printing) should still work if that isn't done.


Nov 10, 2022
I can't port it without such an OS. I have no idea how Debian/Ubuntu does things differently.

The error you're getting seems to be with the printf function. It's being used just to round the variables to desired number of decimal places for actual printing in the log. Check the man page on your system for how it works and look for examples of its use in Ubuntu; it might need to be changed slightly.

Otherwise, I would try commenting out lines 214-218 and see what happens. If it works, it will be ugly without formatting. It may then error out on the next error, but at least you've identified the problem and just need to figure out how to round the numbers.

EDIT: after reading a bit, I suggest trying a few changes.
  • The arguments of printf may need to be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The format specification may need to be quoted.
  • The arguments may need to be separated by a comma (',').
So Tmean=$(printf("%0.2f", "$Tmean"))

I tried several methods to solve the problem, here are the results of the different attempts:

First of all I tried to comment the line 214-->218

then I tried to comment the lines 214-->220

Then I uncommented the lines, and I added "2>/dev/null" on line 214 until line 218


I then removed the "2>/dev/null" and modified line 214 as you told me: Tmean=$(printf("%0.2f", "$Tmean"))

All attempts have failed!

I specify that I use Debian 11

When I commented all the lines 214-->220, the values were still printed, it's weird! Line 130 also returned a syntax error, maybe it's this line that keeps sending syntax errors after adding "2>/dev/null", but line 130 is a condition, I can't comment it, otherwise the script won't work...


Nov 23, 2014
I'm flying blind here because I'm not looking at your script and it has different line numbers than mine.

However, the first error does suggest that $PD must be trimmed to an integer (I think that's line 218 in your script) to work in subsequent steps. Your first screenshot shows an error that appears to be at line 220 which I'm guessing is let "DUTY_PER = $DUTY_PER_LAST + $PD" for that reason. And when you then comment out line 220, you're taking out important code.

In the third attempt, yes, you sent the errors to /dev/null, but that doesn't fix the first problem mentioned above.

Finally, it seems my suggested printf modification doesn't work.

FYI, I'm no expert in bash scripting. I built the scripts largely through trial and error, something I can't do on someone else's script in a different environment. If you want to port it, you'll have a learning curve yourself. Go for it, it builds character. You could make a tiny script to test how the printf statement should be built in your environment to work correctly at setting decimal places. I'm sure it's something not that complicated.

IF you post any more output, please copy and paste the output or script sections in code tags rather than as screenshots. The first 3-dot menu at the top when composing has inline code tags. The second one has block code tags.


Nov 22, 2017
I would very much like the developer of this script or someone to help finish the Debian/Ubuntu port of this script, there is not much left except for the syntax correction on the lines above.

I really hope someone can find a solution to fix this script!
FYI, I'm no expert in bash scripting. I built the scripts largely through trial and error, something I can't do on someone else's script in a different environment. If you want to port it, you'll have a learning curve yourself. Go for it, it builds character. You could make a tiny script to test how the printf statement should be built in your environment to work correctly at setting decimal places. I'm sure it's something not that complicated.

IF you post any more output, please copy and paste the output or script sections in code tags rather than as screenshots. The first 3-dot menu at the top when composing has inline code tags. The second one has block code tags.
Another option would be the FanControl.tool script I have written; you may find this easier to port as getting temp inputs and setting fan speeds are isolated from the rest of the script in the config file. At this time though CPU Fan control is not implemented only drive based.


Jun 6, 2022
That's what is done inside the script... you need to look for that section in the top part of the script and either follow the guidance there or modify the parts of the script needed to include additional headers.

## Your CPU/case fans should probably be connected to the main fan sockets,
## which are in fan zone zero
## Your HD fans should be connected to FANA which is in Zone 1
## You could switch the CPU/HD fans around, as long as you change the zones
## and fan header configurations.
## 0 = FAN1..5
## 1 = FANA..FANC
my $cpu_fan_zone = 0;
my $hd_fan_zone  = 1;

## these are the fan headers which are used to verify the fan zone is high.
## FAN1+ are all in Zone 0, FANA is Zone 1.
## cpu_fan_header should be in the cpu_fan_zone
## hd_fan_header should be in the hd_fan_zone
my $cpu_fan_header = "FAN1";   # used for printing to standard output for debugging
my $hd_fan_header  = "FANA";   # used for printing to standard output for debugging
my @hd_fan_list = ("FAN1", "FANA");    # used for logging to file

Have you tested the fan setting commands to see if you can actually change the speeds of the fans with them?

Check Zone 0 fans:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0x66 0x00 0x00

Set Zone 0 fans to 100%:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0x66 0x01 0x00 100

Set Zone 0 fans to 30%:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0x66 0x01 0x00 20
Can @sretalla or @Glorious1 help me out with a config? I'm new to scripts but got this running on my system. My problem is on my Supermicro chassis, 3 of my 4 chassis fans use FAN1 header and the 4th chassis fan uses FANA. So my chassis fans are FAN1, FAN3, FAN4 and FANA. My CPU fan is connected to FAN5. I'm not able to move my 4th chassis fan to the FAN1 header with the others. Where do I need to make changes to include FANA with my FAN1 inputs? Currently using with some small changes but nothing special... Any help would be much appreciated!

Here is my Spincheck results:
                                 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
                        MODE     Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Duty cycle 100%         Full       100   100  9300  9100   ---  8800  9100
Duty cycle 90%          Full        90    90  8800  8600   ---  8400  8500
Duty cycle 80%          Full        80    80  8100  7800   ---  7600  7800
Duty cycle 70%          Full        70    70  7200  7100   ---  7000  7000
Duty cycle 60%          Full        60    60  6600  6400   ---  6200  6400
Duty cycle 50%          Full        50    50  5600  5500   ---  5400  5500
Duty cycle 40%          Full        40    40  4800  4600   ---  4600  4600
Duty cycle 30%          Full        30    30  4000  3800   ---  3700  3800
Duty cycle 20%          Full        20    20  3300  3100   ---  2900  3100 

Currently getting this while running
Mismatch between CPU Duty and RPMs -- DUTY_CPU=20; RPM_CPU=2900
Attempting to fix CPU mismatch


Nov 23, 2014
Can @sretalla or @Glorious1 help me out with a config? I'm new to scripts but got this running on my system. My problem is on my Supermicro chassis, 3 of my 4 chassis fans use FAN1 header and the 4th chassis fan uses FANA. So my chassis fans are FAN1, FAN3, FAN4 and FANA. My CPU fan is connected to FAN5. I'm not able to move my 4th chassis fan to the FAN1 header with the others. Where do I need to make changes to include FANA with my FAN1 inputs? Currently using with some small changes but nothing special... Any help would be much appreciated!

Here is my Spincheck results:
                                 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
                        MODE     Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Duty cycle 100%         Full       100   100  9300  9100   ---  8800  9100
Duty cycle 90%          Full        90    90  8800  8600   ---  8400  8500
Duty cycle 80%          Full        80    80  8100  7800   ---  7600  7800
Duty cycle 70%          Full        70    70  7200  7100   ---  7000  7000
Duty cycle 60%          Full        60    60  6600  6400   ---  6200  6400
Duty cycle 50%          Full        50    50  5600  5500   ---  5400  5500
Duty cycle 40%          Full        40    40  4800  4600   ---  4600  4600
Duty cycle 30%          Full        30    30  4000  3800   ---  3700  3800
Duty cycle 20%          Full        20    20  3300  3100   ---  2900  3100 

Currently getting this while running
Mismatch between CPU Duty and RPMs -- DUTY_CPU=20; RPM_CPU=2900
Attempting to fix CPU mismatch
I think there is some confusion here. Some of the quoted script code in this thread (like in sretella's post that you quoted) are not from my spinpid scripts; I don't know what they're from.

But @67RS427 , I think you're mixing up fans and fan headers. The scripts, and the motherboard for that matter, don't know or care what fans or how many fans are attached to the headers and what they are cooling. They only recognize headers. It is up to you to hook the fans up in a way that makes sense.

You seem to be saying fans are only connected to HEADERS FAN1 (3 chassis fans), FAN5 (cpu fan), and FANA (another chassis fan). So first I'm wondering why headers FAN3 and FAN4 are reporting RPMs? Are you sure there is nothing connected to them?

Second, I think you need to reconnect your fans so that all chassis fans are connect to one zone (I suggest headers FAN1-FAN4) and the CPU fan to the other (FANA). If the fans on numbered headers vary in specs, don't mix different fans on the same header. Then use the default in the config file:

That should make ZONE_PER be Zone 0, which is the numbered headers, and vice versa.

Then set fan thresholds for the headers using EricLoewe's guide, as described in the overview.

Finally, rerun and adjust the config file accordingly. By the way, the output you showed I think is from, not
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2022
I think there is some confusion here. Some of the quoted script code in this thread (like in sretella's post that you quoted) are not from my spinpid scripts; I don't know what they're from.

But @67RS427 , I think you're mixing up fans and fan headers. The scripts, and the motherboard for that matter, don't know or care what fans or how many fans are attached to the headers and what they are cooling. They only recognize headers. It is up to you to hook the fans up in a way that makes sense.

You seem to be saying fans are only connected to HEADERS FAN1 (3 chassis fans), FAN5 (cpu fan), and FANA (another chassis fan). So first I'm wondering why headers FAN3 and FAN4 are reporting RPMs? Are you sure there is nothing connected to them?

Second, I think you need to reconnect your fans so that all chassis fans are connect to one zone (I suggest headers FAN1-FAN4) and the CPU fan to the other (FANA). If the fans on numbered headers vary in specs, don't mix different fans on the same header. Then use the default in the config file:

That should make ZONE_PER be Zone 0, which is the numbered headers, and vice versa.

Then set fan thresholds for the headers using EricLoewe's guide, as described in the overview.

Finally, rerun and adjust the config file accordingly. By the way, the output you showed I think is from, not
Thanks for the reply... I took another look to confirm and unplugged the FAN1 header to double check which fans it was powering. Perhaps it has to do with my chassis and the fact that these are hot swappable fans but my 4 chassis/hard drive fans are connected to the FAN1 and FANA headers. When I unplug the FAN1 header, only one fan, the very far right one powers off. When I plug that back in and unplug the FANA header, the fan to the far left powers off. There are always 3 powered up if the FAN1 or FANA plug is connected... My CPU is the only other fan and currently is connected to the FAN5 header in the very back. This is a dual CPU config but only one of the CPU's has a fan.

This is on a Supermicro SSG-6028R-E1CR16T chassis with a X10DRH-CT Motherboard. I'm assuming your script and the other ones posted here won't work with my current fan configuration given the way it's connected. I thought I had a 4 pin extender and/or splitter but used them all so I bought a few more and will connect all 4 HDD fans to the FAN1 header. That leaves me with the CPU fan to deal with. I'm not sure if I should extend that cable and connect it to the FANA header or not. I think the chassis fans are powered the way they are as a redundant power supply in case one of the headers go bad or loses power.

Anyone else have a similar configuration? Here is a pic of my motherboard and the header locations. FAN5 is closest to my CPU fan which is why I'm assuming it was the one that was used.

Thursday, Dec 15
          da0  da1  da2  da3  da4  da5  da6  da7  da8  da9  da10 da11 da12 da13 Tmax Tmean  ERRc CPU  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4  FANA Fan%0 Fan%1 MODE  
21:32:24  *33  *32  *29  *29  *29  *29  *30  *29  *30  *30  *29  *29  *30  *30  ^33  29.86 -3.71  29  9100   ---  8800  9000  9000   100   100 Full 


Thursday, Dec 15, 21:35:10
                                 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
                        MODE     Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Duty cycle 100%         Full       100   100  9000  9100   ---  8800  9000
Duty cycle 90%          Full        90    90  8600  8600   ---  8400  8300
Duty cycle 80%          Full        80    80  7800  7800   ---  7600  7700
Duty cycle 70%          Full        70    70  7100  7100   ---  7000  7000
Duty cycle 60%          Full        60    60  6300  6400   ---  6200  6200
Duty cycle 50%          Full        50    50  5500  5500   ---  5400  5500
Duty cycle 40%          Full        40    40  4600  4700   ---  4500  4600
Duty cycle 30%          Full        30    30  3800  3800   ---  3700  3700
Duty cycle 20%          Full        20    20  3200  3000   ---  2900  3100

root@truenas[/mnt/RaidZ2_118TB/MATT/spinscripts]# ipmitool sdr
CPU1 Temp        | 33 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 32 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 37 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 45 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | 68 degrees C      | ok
Vcpu1VRM Temp    | 34 degrees C      | ok
Vcpu2VRM Temp    | 36 degrees C      | ok
VmemABVRM Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
VmemEFVRM Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
VmemGHVRM Temp   | 33 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMB2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMME2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 33 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMG1 Temp   | 32 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMG2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMH1 Temp   | 32 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMH2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
FAN1             | 9100 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | no reading        | ns
FAN3             | 8800 RPM          | ok
FAN4             | 9100 RPM          | ok
FAN5             | 8700 RPM          | ok
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 9000 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
12V              | 12 Volts          | ok
5VCC             | 4.92 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.28 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 2.97 Volts        | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.79 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.79 Volts        | ok
VDIMMAB          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMCD          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMEF          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMGH          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 4.95 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.28 Volts        | ok
1.5V PCH         | 1.49 Volts        | ok
1.2V BMC         | 1.19 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.03 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x01              | ok
PS2 Status       | 0x0b              | ok
PS1 Status       | 0x01              | ok
MB/AOM_SAS Te    | 49 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | no reading        | ns
HDD Status       | no reading        | ns


  • Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 9.12.53 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 9.12.53 PM.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 148


Jun 6, 2022
Thanks for the reply... I took another look to confirm and unplugged the FAN1 header to double check which fans it was powering. Perhaps it has to do with my chassis and the fact that these are hot swappable fans but my 4 chassis/hard drive fans are connected to the FAN1 and FANA headers. When I unplug the FAN1 header, only one fan, the very far right one powers off. When I plug that back in and unplug the FANA header, the fan to the far left powers off. There are always 3 powered up if the FAN1 or FANA plug is connected... My CPU is the only other fan and currently is connected to the FAN5 header in the very back. This is a dual CPU config but only one of the CPU's has a fan.

This is on a Supermicro SSG-6028R-E1CR16T chassis with a X10DRH-CT Motherboard. I'm assuming your script and the other ones posted here won't work with my current fan configuration given the way it's connected. I thought I had a 4 pin extender and/or splitter but used them all so I bought a few more and will connect all 4 HDD fans to the FAN1 header. That leaves me with the CPU fan to deal with. I'm not sure if I should extend that cable and connect it to the FANA header or not. I think the chassis fans are powered the way they are as a redundant power supply in case one of the headers go bad or loses power.

Anyone else have a similar configuration? Here is a pic of my motherboard and the header locations. FAN5 is closest to my CPU fan which is why I'm assuming it was the one that was used.

Thursday, Dec 15
          da0  da1  da2  da3  da4  da5  da6  da7  da8  da9  da10 da11 da12 da13 Tmax Tmean  ERRc CPU  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4  FANA Fan%0 Fan%1 MODE 
21:32:24  *33  *32  *29  *29  *29  *29  *30  *29  *30  *30  *29  *29  *30  *30  ^33  29.86 -3.71  29  9100   ---  8800  9000  9000   100   100 Full 


Thursday, Dec 15, 21:35:10
                                 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
                        MODE     Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Duty cycle 100%         Full       100   100  9000  9100   ---  8800  9000
Duty cycle 90%          Full        90    90  8600  8600   ---  8400  8300
Duty cycle 80%          Full        80    80  7800  7800   ---  7600  7700
Duty cycle 70%          Full        70    70  7100  7100   ---  7000  7000
Duty cycle 60%          Full        60    60  6300  6400   ---  6200  6200
Duty cycle 50%          Full        50    50  5500  5500   ---  5400  5500
Duty cycle 40%          Full        40    40  4600  4700   ---  4500  4600
Duty cycle 30%          Full        30    30  3800  3800   ---  3700  3700
Duty cycle 20%          Full        20    20  3200  3000   ---  2900  3100

root@truenas[/mnt/RaidZ2_118TB/MATT/spinscripts]# ipmitool sdr
CPU1 Temp        | 33 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 32 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 37 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 45 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | 68 degrees C      | ok
Vcpu1VRM Temp    | 34 degrees C      | ok
Vcpu2VRM Temp    | 36 degrees C      | ok
VmemABVRM Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
VmemEFVRM Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
VmemGHVRM Temp   | 33 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMB2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 34 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMME2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 33 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMG1 Temp   | 32 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMG2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMH1 Temp   | 32 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMH2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
FAN1             | 9100 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | no reading        | ns
FAN3             | 8800 RPM          | ok
FAN4             | 9100 RPM          | ok
FAN5             | 8700 RPM          | ok
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 9000 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
12V              | 12 Volts          | ok
5VCC             | 4.92 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.28 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 2.97 Volts        | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.79 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.79 Volts        | ok
VDIMMAB          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMCD          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMEF          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMGH          | 1.19 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 4.95 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.28 Volts        | ok
1.5V PCH         | 1.49 Volts        | ok
1.2V BMC         | 1.19 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.03 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x01              | ok
PS2 Status       | 0x0b              | ok
PS1 Status       | 0x01              | ok
MB/AOM_SAS Te    | 49 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | no reading        | ns
HDD Status       | no reading        | ns
My CPU temps are raised running as seen below.

Thursday, Dec 15                                                                                                          Fan %                  Interim
          da0  da1  da2  da3  da4  da5  da6  da7  da8  da9  da10 da11 da12 da13 Tmax Tmean  ERRc      P      D CPU Driver Prev/New MODE      RPM Adjustments
21:45:31  *33  *32  *29  *29  *28  *28  *30  *29  *30  *29  *29  *29  *30  *29  ^33  29.57 -5.00 -20.00 -40.00  29 Drives 100/40    Full     9100 20
21:50:47  *33  *32  *30  *30  *29  *30  *31  *29  *31  *30  *30  *31  *31  *31  ^33  30.57 -4.00 -16.00   8.00  39 Drives 20/20    Full     2900
21:56:09  *34  *33  *31  *30  *29  *30  *32  *30  *32  *31  *32  *32  *32  *32  ^34  31.42 -3.15 -12.60   6.80  43 Drives 20/20    Full     2900
22:01:30  *34  *33  *31  *30  *30  *31  *33  *30  *32  *31  *32  *32  *32  *33  ^34  31.71 -2.86 -11.44   2.32  45 Drives 20/20    Full     2900 

root@truenas[~]# ipmitool sensor list all
CPU1 Temp        | 51.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 0.000     | 0.000     | 0.000     | 87.000    | 92.000    | 92.000
CPU2 Temp        | 35.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 0.000     | 0.000     | 0.000     | 87.000    | 92.000    | 92.000
PCH Temp         | 40.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 16.000    | 90.000    | 95.000    | 100.000
System Temp      | 35.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -10.000   | -5.000    | 0.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
Peripheral Temp  | 53.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -10.000   | -5.000    | 0.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
MB_10G Temp      | 90.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
Vcpu1VRM Temp    | 43.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
Vcpu2VRM Temp    | 44.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
VmemABVRM Temp   | 36.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 36.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
VmemEFVRM Temp   | 38.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
VmemGHVRM Temp   | 38.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 95.000    | 100.000   | 105.000
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 35.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 35.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P1-DIMMB2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 30.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P1-DIMMC2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 30.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 41.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P2-DIMME2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 38.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P2-DIMMF2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P2-DIMMG1 Temp   | 37.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P2-DIMMG2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
P2-DIMMH1 Temp   | 38.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -5.000    | 0.000     | 5.000     | 80.000    | 85.000    | 90.000
P2-DIMMH2 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
FAN1             | 2900.000   | RPM        | ok    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 25300.000 | 25400.000 | 25500.000
FAN2             | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
FAN3             | 2900.000   | RPM        | ok    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 25300.000 | 25400.000 | 25500.000
FAN4             | 2800.000   | RPM        | ok    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 25300.000 | 25400.000 | 25500.000
FAN5             | 3900.000   | RPM        | ok    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 25300.000 | 25400.000 | 25500.000
FAN6             | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
FANA             | 9500.000   | RPM        | ok    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 25300.000 | 25400.000 | 25500.000
FANB             | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
12V              | 12.063     | Volts      | ok    | 10.173    | 10.299    | 10.740    | 12.945    | 13.260    | 13.386
5VCC             | 4.922      | Volts      | ok    | 4.246     | 4.298     | 4.480     | 5.390     | 5.546     | 5.598
3.3VCC           | 3.282      | Volts      | ok    | 2.789     | 2.823     | 2.959     | 3.554     | 3.656     | 3.690
VBAT             | 2.948      | Volts      | ok    | 2.376     | 2.480     | 2.584     | 3.494     | 3.598     | 3.676
Vcpu1            | 1.791      | Volts      | ok    | 1.242     | 1.260     | 1.395     | 1.899     | 2.088     | 2.106
Vcpu2            | 1.800      | Volts      | ok    | 1.242     | 1.260     | 1.395     | 1.899     | 2.088     | 2.106
VDIMMAB          | 1.191      | Volts      | ok    | 0.948     | 0.975     | 1.047     | 1.344     | 1.425     | 1.443
VDIMMCD          | 1.191      | Volts      | ok    | 0.948     | 0.975     | 1.047     | 1.344     | 1.425     | 1.443
VDIMMEF          | 1.191      | Volts      | ok    | 0.948     | 0.975     | 1.047     | 1.344     | 1.425     | 1.443
VDIMMGH          | 1.191      | Volts      | ok    | 0.948     | 0.975     | 1.047     | 1.344     | 1.425     | 1.443
5VSB             | 4.948      | Volts      | ok    | 4.246     | 4.298     | 4.480     | 5.390     | 5.546     | 5.598
3.3VSB           | 3.265      | Volts      | ok    | 2.789     | 2.823     | 2.959     | 3.554     | 3.656     | 3.690
1.5V PCH         | 1.491      | Volts      | ok    | 1.320     | 1.347     | 1.401     | 1.644     | 1.671     | 1.698
1.2V BMC         | 1.191      | Volts      | ok    | 1.020     | 1.047     | 1.092     | 1.344     | 1.371     | 1.398
1.05V PCH        | 1.041      | Volts      | ok    | 0.870     | 0.897     | 0.942     | 1.194     | 1.221     | 1.248
Chassis Intru    | 0x1        | discrete   | 0x0100| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
PS2 Status       | 0xb        | discrete   | 0x0b00| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
PS1 Status       | 0x1        | discrete   | 0x0100| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
MB/AOM_SAS Te    | 50.000     | degrees C  | ok    | -11.000   | -8.000    | -5.000    | 100.000   | 105.000   | 110.000
HDD Temp         | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
HDD Status       | na         | discrete   | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Jan 27, 2020
Is there anybody running a working script on a Supermicro board with SCALE?


Oct 26, 2011
Is there anybody running a working script on a Supermicro board with SCALE?
Yes. I just made mine work. See here and hope it helps you. I just noticed this is for spindisk stuff which I don't think I use but it could still help with the FreeBSD to Linux migraiton. Camcontrol and sysctl are gone.