Using AMD Ryzen iGPU on multiple Apps


Oct 23, 2023
Hey there!

I recently switched from Unraid to Truenas Scale, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm using the Plex App that's in the official TrueNAS Catalog. By passing through my AMD GPU (which is really just the integrated graphics from my Ryzen 9750X CPU ( to the container, I was able to get Hardware Acceleration running (side note: it's not mentioned anywhere that this is supposed to work on Plex's side, but works like a charm, I guess it's due to VAAPI, really cool).


Now I'd really like to be able to assign the GPU to another App as well (Tdarr) but as you can see in the screenshot, I only have 1 GPU to assign. So when I assign the same GPU to Tdarr, I get an error that it's already in use by another App. Is there any way to get this working on multiple Containers at a time?

I found some posts regarding Nvidia GPUs, I currently still have one in my system where I see more than 1 GPUs that I can allocate. I'd like to replace it with the iGPU though, if at all possible.


This is my TrueNas version: TrueNAS-SCALE-

Thanks in advance!


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