Unencrypted nested ix-applications dataset warning & replication error

Mar 16, 2023

I am receiving the following notifications in my TrueNAS Scale (Bluefin) instance. I know why this is occurring. At install time (on Angelfish,) I wanted there to be no unencrypted root dataset, including ix-systems. Angelfish sort of let me do this, and at first seemed to operate correctly (even though I am now aware it never actually did.) And Bluefin is now notifying me about this.

The forum posts I've read on this to date are full of debate, but I haven't yet found an actual solution. I am not interested in any of the reasoning as to why or how things are implemented this way. Rather, can someone please help me with a solution to correct this issue in my existing Scale instance? Any help is greatly appreciated!

The dataset structure is:
apps (encrypted)
- ix-applications (unencrypted)
- app1-dataset (encrypted)
- app2-dataset (encrypted)
- ...

Notification 1:
The following datasets are not encrypted but are within an encrypted dataset: 'apps/ix-applications' which is not supported behaviour and may lead to various issues.

Notification 2:
Replication "apps/ix-applications,tank - tank/snapshots" failed: cannot receive incremental stream: inherited key must be loaded.
Oct 22, 2019
Rather, can someone please help me with a solution to correct this issue in my existing Scale instance? Any help is greatly appreciated!
The "solution" is to ignore the warning. (Not sure if you can permanently dismiss the alert?)

Notification 2:
But isn't it loaded?
zfs get keystatus apps

EDIT: Which direction is this replication task? Are you receiving from a remote server to be replicated to your local ix-applications dataset?