Volumes size different?

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Jun 23, 2011
After upgrading to, the volume sixes are different. If my memory is correct, I used to see everywhere the size 7.1T. How can I fix this issue? Thanks for your help.



Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012


Jun 23, 2011
My pool shows:
# zpool list -v nas
NAME                                    SIZE  ALLOC  FREE    CAP  DEDUP  HEALTH  ALTROOT
nas                                    10.9T  4.18T  6.69T    38%  1.00x  ONLINE  /mnt
  raidz2                                10.9T  4.18T  6.69T        -
    gptid/3cf03778-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
    gptid/3d98e472-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
    gptid/3e44f17a-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
    gptid/3ef3f815-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
    gptid/3f9211d5-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
    gptid/4033d56c-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e      -      -      -        -
cache                                      -      -      -      -      -      -
  gptid/41575359-1dc5-11e1-8396-002590382e1e  59.6G  6.47M  59.6G        -
# df -ah
Filesystem            Size    Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a    926M    826M    26M    97%    /
devfs                  1.0k    1.0k      0B  100%    /dev
/dev/md0              4.6M    3.3M    898k    79%    /etc
/dev/md1              823k    2.0k    756k    0%    /mnt
/dev/md2              149M    34M    103M    25%    /var
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs4      19M      2M    16M    11%    /data
nas                    4.4T    384k    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas
nas/.system            4.4T    336k    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas/.system
nas/.system/cores      4.4T    288k    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas/.system/cores
nas/.system/samba4    4.4T    3.4M    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas/.system/samba4
nas/.system/syslog    4.4T    671k    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas/.system/syslog
nas/media              7.1T    2.8T    4.4T    39%    /mnt/nas/media
nas/unix              4.4T    2.9G    4.4T    0%    /mnt/nas/unix

I don't understand why the ALLOC is 4.18T, instead of 7.1T?
nas/media 7.1T 2.8T 4.4T 39% /mnt/nas/media

How can I make nas to show 7.1T as Size, instead of nas/media?


Jun 23, 2011
I also noticed some differences on versioning, and fixed them:
# zpool upgrade -a
This system supports ZFS pool feature flags.
Enabled the following features on 'nas':
# zfs get -r version nas
nas                 version   4        -
nas/.system         version   5        -
nas/.system/cores   version   5        -
nas/.system/samba4  version   5        -
nas/.system/syslog  version   5        -
nas/media           version   4        -
nas/unix            version   4        -
# zfs upgrade -V 5 -r nas
3 filesystems upgraded
4 filesystems already at this version
# zfs get -r version nas
nas                 version   5        -
nas/.system         version   5        -
nas/.system/cores   version   5        -
nas/.system/samba4  version   5        -
nas/.system/syslog  version   5        -
nas/media           version   5        -
nas/unix            version   5        -


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012

What version of FreeNAS are you using?

Edit: And what version of FreeNAS were you using when you created the pool(assuming you were using FreeNAS)?


Apr 14, 2012
I too have versions 4 and 5. Pool was just recently recreated on FreeNAS 9.2.0 (or was it 9.2.1).


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
zfs versions have been 5 for more than 2 years... so something odd and unexplained is going on...


Jun 23, 2011

Thanks but my concern is: why nas/media size shows 7.1T?
# df -ah nas/media
Filesystem    Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
nas/media     7.1T    2.8T    4.4T    39%    /mnt/nas/media

nas should show this value, not nas/media:
# df -ah
Filesystem             Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a    926M    826M     26M    97%    /
devfs                  1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/md0               4.6M    3.3M    898k    79%    /etc
/dev/md1               823k    2.0k    756k     0%    /mnt
/dev/md2               149M     34M    103M    25%    /var
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs4      19M    2.0M     16M    11%    /data
nas                    4.4T    399k    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas
nas/.system            4.4T    335k    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas/.system
nas/.system/cores      4.4T    288k    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas/.system/cores
nas/.system/samba4     4.4T    3.0M    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas/.system/samba4
nas/.system/syslog     4.4T    759k    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas/.system/syslog
nas/media              7.1T    2.8T    4.4T    39%    /mnt/nas/media
nas/unix               4.4T    2.9G    4.4T     0%    /mnt/nas/unix

I understand that I should look at zfs list but df is the proper way to see the actual partition size.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
df can't do its math correctly.. so stop even trying to compare df. It has no understanding of snapshots and other atributes specific to ZFS. You can't run a command and because you think a number is more inline with what you expect assume it is a better choice. df and du have been dismissed by ZFS for years. This isn't new information. This has been true whether you do ZFS on linux, FreeBSD, Opensolaris, etc. You shouldn't be trying to understand

ANYTHING from df and du is pointless. It's complete garbage and not even worth contemplating how it gets those number as they are completely useless.


Apr 14, 2012
Still weird that the GUI reports the volume smaller than one dataset.

What does "zfs list" give you?


Jun 23, 2011
# zfs list
nas                 2.78T  4.35T   400K  /mnt/nas
nas/.system         4.82M  4.35T   336K  /mnt/nas/.system
nas/.system/cores    288K  4.35T   288K  /mnt/nas/.system/cores
nas/.system/samba4  3.41M  4.35T  3.41M  /mnt/nas/.system/samba4
nas/.system/syslog   823K  4.35T   823K  /mnt/nas/.system/syslog
nas/media           2.78T  4.35T  2.78T  /mnt/nas/media
nas/unix            2.87G  4.35T  2.87G  /mnt/nas/unix


Apr 14, 2012
So you have a 6x 2TB Raiddz2 wich would be around 7.2TB in usable space.

The available 4.35T space is correct in other words.

What is wrong is that the nas/media still reports 7.1TB. That too should be 4.35TB as long as you havent set any quota.

So suppose cyberjock is correct. df is useless.

Then there is the gui left. Tried another browser? Reset cache?

That said, df returns correct values here.


Jun 23, 2011
What is wrong is that the nas/media still reports 7.1TB. That too should be 4.35TB as long as you havent set any quota.
So suppose cyberjock is correct. df is useless.
That said, df returns correct values here.

Thanks for the reply. I'm confused, first you say df is useless then it returns correct values?
All I want to know is why nas/media is showing 7.1T, which I been asking from the beginning. There are no quotas set for any volume. In this picture, I should see size 4.3T on second line:


Yet, the above picture reports numbers pulled from df. Any browser reports the same numbers, I tried IE and Chrome. Frankly, this has nothing to do with a browser is issue, it is obvious the numbers are pulled from df since is the ONLY place I see 7.1T listed. The way I see it, I should have 7.1T listed as size everywhere, not 4.3T.
# zfs get all
NAME                PROPERTY              VALUE                    SOURCE
nas                 type                  filesystem               -
nas                 creation              Sat Dec  3 10:41 2011    -
nas                 used                  2.78T                    -
nas                 available             4.35T                    -
nas                 referenced            400K                     -
nas                 compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas                 mounted               yes                      -
nas                 quota                 none                     default
nas                 reservation           none                     default
nas                 recordsize            128K                     default
nas                 mountpoint            /mnt/nas                 default
nas                 sharenfs              off                      default
nas                 checksum              on                       default
nas                 compression           off                      local
nas                 atime                 off                      local
nas                 devices               on                       default
nas                 exec                  on                       default
nas                 setuid                on                       default
nas                 readonly              off                      default
nas                 jailed                off                      default
nas                 snapdir               hidden                   default
nas                 aclmode               passthrough              local
nas                 aclinherit            passthrough              local
nas                 canmount              on                       default
nas                 xattr                 off                      temporary
nas                 copies                1                        default
nas                 version               5                        -
nas                 utf8only              off                      -
nas                 normalization         none                     -
nas                 casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas                 vscan                 off                      default
nas                 nbmand                off                      default
nas                 sharesmb              off                      default
nas                 refquota              none                     local
nas                 refreservation        none                     local
nas                 primarycache          all                      default
nas                 secondarycache        all                      default
nas                 usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas                 usedbydataset         400K                     -
nas                 usedbychildren        2.78T                    -
nas                 usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas                 logbias               latency                  default
nas                 dedup                 off                      local
nas                 mlslabel                                       -
nas                 sync                  standard                 default
nas                 refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas                 written               400K                     -
nas                 logicalused           2.78T                    -
nas                 logicalreferenced     43K                      -
nas/.system         type                  filesystem               -
nas/.system         creation              Fri Feb 28 22:29 2014    -
nas/.system         used                  5.28M                    -
nas/.system         available             4.35T                    -
nas/.system         referenced            336K                     -
nas/.system         compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/.system         mounted               yes                      -
nas/.system         quota                 none                     default
nas/.system         reservation           none                     default
nas/.system         recordsize            128K                     default
nas/.system         mountpoint            /mnt/nas/.system         default
nas/.system         sharenfs              off                      default
nas/.system         checksum              on                       default
nas/.system         compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system         atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system         devices               on                       default
nas/.system         exec                  on                       default
nas/.system         setuid                on                       default
nas/.system         readonly              off                      default
nas/.system         jailed                off                      default
nas/.system         snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/.system         aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system         aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system         canmount              on                       default
nas/.system         xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/.system         copies                1                        default
nas/.system         version               5                        -
nas/.system         utf8only              off                      -
nas/.system         normalization         none                     -
nas/.system         casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/.system         vscan                 off                      default
nas/.system         nbmand                off                      default
nas/.system         sharesmb              off                      default
nas/.system         refquota              none                     default
nas/.system         refreservation        none                     default
nas/.system         primarycache          all                      default
nas/.system         secondarycache        all                      default
nas/.system         usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/.system         usedbydataset         336K                     -
nas/.system         usedbychildren        4.96M                    -
nas/.system         usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/.system         logbias               latency                  default
nas/.system         dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system         mlslabel                                       -
nas/.system         sync                  standard                 default
nas/.system         refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/.system         written               336K                     -
nas/.system         logicalused           3.90M                    -
nas/.system         logicalreferenced     45K                      -
nas/.system/cores   type                  filesystem               -
nas/.system/cores   creation              Fri Feb 28 22:29 2014    -
nas/.system/cores   used                  288K                     -
nas/.system/cores   available             4.35T                    -
nas/.system/cores   referenced            288K                     -
nas/.system/cores   compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/.system/cores   mounted               yes                      -
nas/.system/cores   quota                 none                     default
nas/.system/cores   reservation           none                     default
nas/.system/cores   recordsize            128K                     default
nas/.system/cores   mountpoint            /mnt/nas/.system/cores   default
nas/.system/cores   sharenfs              off                      default
nas/.system/cores   checksum              on                       default
nas/.system/cores   compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/cores   atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/cores   devices               on                       default
nas/.system/cores   exec                  on                       default
nas/.system/cores   setuid                on                       default
nas/.system/cores   readonly              off                      default
nas/.system/cores   jailed                off                      default
nas/.system/cores   snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/.system/cores   aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/cores   aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/cores   canmount              on                       default
nas/.system/cores   xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/.system/cores   copies                1                        default
nas/.system/cores   version               5                        -
nas/.system/cores   utf8only              off                      -
nas/.system/cores   normalization         none                     -
nas/.system/cores   casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/.system/cores   vscan                 off                      default
nas/.system/cores   nbmand                off                      default
nas/.system/cores   sharesmb              off                      default
nas/.system/cores   refquota              none                     default
nas/.system/cores   refreservation        none                     default
nas/.system/cores   primarycache          all                      default
nas/.system/cores   secondarycache        all                      default
nas/.system/cores   usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/.system/cores   usedbydataset         288K                     -
nas/.system/cores   usedbychildren        0                        -
nas/.system/cores   usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/.system/cores   logbias               latency                  default
nas/.system/cores   dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/cores   mlslabel                                       -
nas/.system/cores   sync                  standard                 default
nas/.system/cores   refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/.system/cores   written               288K                     -
nas/.system/cores   logicalused           43.5K                    -
nas/.system/cores   logicalreferenced     43.5K                    -
nas/.system/samba4  type                  filesystem               -
nas/.system/samba4  creation              Fri Feb 28 22:29 2014    -
nas/.system/samba4  used                  3.41M                    -
nas/.system/samba4  available             4.35T                    -
nas/.system/samba4  referenced            3.41M                    -
nas/.system/samba4  compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/.system/samba4  mounted               yes                      -
nas/.system/samba4  quota                 none                     default
nas/.system/samba4  reservation           none                     default
nas/.system/samba4  recordsize            128K                     default
nas/.system/samba4  mountpoint            /mnt/nas/.system/samba4  default
nas/.system/samba4  sharenfs              off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  checksum              on                       default
nas/.system/samba4  compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/samba4  atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/samba4  devices               on                       default
nas/.system/samba4  exec                  on                       default
nas/.system/samba4  setuid                on                       default
nas/.system/samba4  readonly              off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  jailed                off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/.system/samba4  aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/samba4  aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/samba4  canmount              on                       default
nas/.system/samba4  xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/.system/samba4  copies                1                        default
nas/.system/samba4  version               5                        -
nas/.system/samba4  utf8only              off                      -
nas/.system/samba4  normalization         none                     -
nas/.system/samba4  casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/.system/samba4  vscan                 off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  nbmand                off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  sharesmb              off                      default
nas/.system/samba4  refquota              none                     default
nas/.system/samba4  refreservation        none                     default
nas/.system/samba4  primarycache          all                      default
nas/.system/samba4  secondarycache        all                      default
nas/.system/samba4  usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/.system/samba4  usedbydataset         3.41M                    -
nas/.system/samba4  usedbychildren        0                        -
nas/.system/samba4  usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/.system/samba4  logbias               latency                  default
nas/.system/samba4  dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/samba4  mlslabel                                       -
nas/.system/samba4  sync                  standard                 default
nas/.system/samba4  refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/.system/samba4  written               3.41M                    -
nas/.system/samba4  logicalused           3.01M                    -
nas/.system/samba4  logicalreferenced     3.01M                    -
nas/.system/syslog  type                  filesystem               -
nas/.system/syslog  creation              Fri Feb 28 22:29 2014    -
nas/.system/syslog  used                  1.26M                    -
nas/.system/syslog  available             4.35T                    -
nas/.system/syslog  referenced            1.26M                    -
nas/.system/syslog  compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/.system/syslog  mounted               yes                      -
nas/.system/syslog  quota                 none                     default
nas/.system/syslog  reservation           none                     default
nas/.system/syslog  recordsize            128K                     default
nas/.system/syslog  mountpoint            /mnt/nas/.system/syslog  default
nas/.system/syslog  sharenfs              off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  checksum              on                       default
nas/.system/syslog  compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/syslog  atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/syslog  devices               on                       default
nas/.system/syslog  exec                  on                       default
nas/.system/syslog  setuid                on                       default
nas/.system/syslog  readonly              off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  jailed                off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/.system/syslog  aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/syslog  aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/.system/syslog  canmount              on                       default
nas/.system/syslog  xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/.system/syslog  copies                1                        default
nas/.system/syslog  version               5                        -
nas/.system/syslog  utf8only              off                      -
nas/.system/syslog  normalization         none                     -
nas/.system/syslog  casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/.system/syslog  vscan                 off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  nbmand                off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  sharesmb              off                      default
nas/.system/syslog  refquota              none                     default
nas/.system/syslog  refreservation        none                     default
nas/.system/syslog  primarycache          all                      default
nas/.system/syslog  secondarycache        all                      default
nas/.system/syslog  usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/.system/syslog  usedbydataset         1.26M                    -
nas/.system/syslog  usedbychildren        0                        -
nas/.system/syslog  usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/.system/syslog  logbias               latency                  default
nas/.system/syslog  dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/.system/syslog  mlslabel                                       -
nas/.system/syslog  sync                  standard                 default
nas/.system/syslog  refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/.system/syslog  written               1.26M                    -
nas/.system/syslog  logicalused           821K                     -
nas/.system/syslog  logicalreferenced     821K                     -
nas/media           type                  filesystem               -
nas/media           creation              Sat Dec  3 10:42 2011    -
nas/media           used                  2.78T                    -
nas/media           available             4.35T                    -
nas/media           referenced            2.78T                    -
nas/media           compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/media           mounted               yes                      -
nas/media           quota                 none                     local
nas/media           reservation           none                     local
nas/media           recordsize            128K                     default
nas/media           mountpoint            /mnt/nas/media           default
nas/media           sharenfs              off                      default
nas/media           checksum              on                       default
nas/media           compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/media           atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/media           devices               on                       default
nas/media           exec                  on                       default
nas/media           setuid                on                       default
nas/media           readonly              off                      default
nas/media           jailed                off                      default
nas/media           snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/media           aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/media           aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/media           canmount              on                       default
nas/media           xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/media           copies                1                        default
nas/media           version               5                        -
nas/media           utf8only              off                      -
nas/media           normalization         none                     -
nas/media           casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/media           vscan                 off                      default
nas/media           nbmand                off                      default
nas/media           sharesmb              off                      default
nas/media           refquota              none                     local
nas/media           refreservation        none                     local
nas/media           primarycache          all                      default
nas/media           secondarycache        all                      default
nas/media           usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/media           usedbydataset         2.78T                    -
nas/media           usedbychildren        0                        -
nas/media           usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/media           logbias               latency                  default
nas/media           dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/media           mlslabel                                       -
nas/media           sync                  standard                 default
nas/media           refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/media           written               2.78T                    -
nas/media           logicalused           2.78T                    -
nas/media           logicalreferenced     2.78T                    -
nas/unix            type                  filesystem               -
nas/unix            creation              Sat Dec  3 10:43 2011    -
nas/unix            used                  2.87G                    -
nas/unix            available             4.35T                    -
nas/unix            referenced            2.87G                    -
nas/unix            compressratio         1.00x                    -
nas/unix            mounted               yes                      -
nas/unix            quota                 none                     default
nas/unix            reservation           none                     default
nas/unix            recordsize            128K                     default
nas/unix            mountpoint            /mnt/nas/unix            default
nas/unix            sharenfs              off                      default
nas/unix            checksum              on                       default
nas/unix            compression           off                      inherited from nas
nas/unix            atime                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/unix            devices               on                       default
nas/unix            exec                  on                       default
nas/unix            setuid                on                       default
nas/unix            readonly              off                      default
nas/unix            jailed                off                      default
nas/unix            snapdir               hidden                   default
nas/unix            aclmode               passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/unix            aclinherit            passthrough              inherited from nas
nas/unix            canmount              on                       default
nas/unix            xattr                 off                      temporary
nas/unix            copies                1                        default
nas/unix            version               5                        -
nas/unix            utf8only              off                      -
nas/unix            normalization         none                     -
nas/unix            casesensitivity       sensitive                -
nas/unix            vscan                 off                      default
nas/unix            nbmand                off                      default
nas/unix            sharesmb              off                      default
nas/unix            refquota              none                     default
nas/unix            refreservation        none                     default
nas/unix            primarycache          all                      default
nas/unix            secondarycache        all                      default
nas/unix            usedbysnapshots       0                        -
nas/unix            usedbydataset         2.87G                    -
nas/unix            usedbychildren        0                        -
nas/unix            usedbyrefreservation  0                        -
nas/unix            logbias               latency                  default
nas/unix            dedup                 off                      inherited from nas
nas/unix            mlslabel                                       -
nas/unix            sync                  standard                 default
nas/unix            refcompressratio      1.00x                    -
nas/unix            written               2.87G                    -
nas/unix            logicalused           2.74G                    -
nas/unix            logicalreferenced     2.74G                    -


Apr 14, 2012
Thanks for the reply. I'm confused, first you say df is useless then it returns correct values?
All I want to know is why nas/media is showing 7.1T, which I been asking from the beginning. There are no quotas set for any volume. In this picture, I should see size 4.3T on second line:

Yet, the above picture reports numbers pulled from df. Any browser reports the same numbers, I tried IE and Chrome. Frankly, this has nothing to do with a browser is issue, it is obvious the numbers are pulled from df since is the ONLY place I see 7.1T listed. The way I see it, I should have 7.1T listed as size everywhere, not 4.3T.

What i ment was: IF cyberjock is correct. He said in a previous post that df is broken.

I agree with you that the GUI should report TOTAL USABLE size in the Size field for the volume.

However, this is not the case with either one of my own FreeNAS'es. The field shows remaining free space and has always done so. In your case it is 4.35TB.

My Datasets has quota set, and in their cases the size field shows the quota size.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
Hopefully a dev will chime in and let me know how I can fix the incorrect size.

Yeah.. I'm waiting back for some info from the devs myself...


Dec 27, 2013
subbed for research...
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