Hide dataset from non-permitted user?

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Jan 9, 2015
ACL: Windows
Share: CIFS

I have been trying to figure out how to make datasets invisible to users who do not have read access to them, see attached picture.
Right now, I can only get 'User1' to not ACCESS dataset 'DS User2', but the dataset (i.e. the folder, not its contents) is still visible to User1. I want WYSIWYG for the directory, i.e. no access=invisible. This hurdle is rather strange to me as, when I grant User1 access to dataset 'DS User2', I can actually get individual files invisible to User1. Why not the folder itself then?

In another post (lost in memory where) it was implied that this could be solved by adding something in the 'Auxiliary parameters' under CIFS share (I think).

I have also stumbled across suggestions to structure the directory in such a way that this is achieved, but have failed to understand how exactly that should be done.

Now hoping for a nudge in any (constructive) direction...

Problem solved (kind of). The mistake was that I only created shares for DS Common, DS User1 and DS User2, and NOT Dataset, which is the top dataset in the structure. In that set-up the user, when connecting to FreeNAS, always sees all three shared folders, although the user can only access two of them.

The problem persisted even after adding the line 'access based share enum = yes' in auxiliary parameters in both Sharing and Services. I still find my solution inadequate, i.e. to be a bug/oversight by programmers, as I would not want to drill down one level which is the case when one has to make the top dataset visible.

Anyway, I have put too many hours on this for this time around, so the solution will have to suffice for now.


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Mar 6, 2014
Is this (1) a directory within a CIFS share that you want to make invisible, or (2) an entire CIFS share?

If (1) then you can achieve this by removing the access control entry granting the user access to the folder. If user lacks an nfsv4 ACE then he will be unable to 'see' the folder.
If (2) then uncheck "browsable" in the share config and manually map the user that should have access.
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